Products > onemarkets Fund
With onemarkets Fund, we are expanding our investment solutions by offering our own actively managed funds. Our expert teams create investment solutions either by relying on our own asset management skills or by partnering with experienced external fund managers. In both cases, UniCredit is actively involved in defining the investment strategy and closely monitors the quality and risk-return profiles of the funds.
onemarkets is the product brand for state-of-the-art investment solutions designed by UniCredit. It combines expertise in investment products, like onemarkets certificates, with access to financial markets worldwide.
onemarkets Fund is an essential part of the UniCredit investment universe with an additional and exclusive set of actively managed investment funds, catering to a range of risk and opportunity appetites and covering bond, equity and multi-asset classes.
The UniCredit investment management solutions allow asset allocation to be mandated to an expert and skilled portfolio manager who knows how to navigate the market. Our ambition is to offer best-in-class investment solutions. Therefore, our team of experts closely monitors each fund and is in the position to make adjustments where necessary.
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onemarkets Fund distributed by Alpha Bank
Fund managers' logos and brands are displayed for illustrative purposes only.
For the full list, please read the Prospectus.
onemarkets BlackRock Low Duration Bond Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets PIMCO Global Short Term Bond Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets PIMCO Global Strategic Bond Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Allianz Conservative Multi-Asset Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Amundi Flexible Income Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Amundi Income Opportunities Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Capital Group US Balanced Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Global Multibrand Selection Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Pictet Global Opportunities Allocation Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets PIMCO Global Balanced Allocation Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Allianz Global Equity Future Champions Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Amundi Climate Focus Equity Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets BlackRock Global Equity Dynamic Opportunities Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Fidelity European Heritage Equity Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Fidelity World Equity Income Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets J.P. Morgan Emerging Countries Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets J.P. Morgan US Equities Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Rockefeller Global Innovation Equity Fund | Learn more |
onemarkets Fund is the UniCredit UCITS (= Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) umbrella fund platform incorporated as a société d’investissement à capital variable, société anonyme (investment company with variable capital, public limited company) managed by Structured Invest S.A.
THIS IS A MARKETING COMMUNICATION. Please refer to the prospectus of onemarkets Fund (the "Fund") and to the Key Information Document (KID) before making any final investment decisions. This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice and is not a recommendation or offer to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy; it is for advertising purposes only and does not constitute legal, accounting or tax advice. This document contains information relating to the sub-funds (the “Sub-Fund”) of the Fund, an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS), subject to Part I of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment, as amended, in the form of an investment company with variable capital, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under no. B 271.238. The Sub-Fund is offered in the jurisdictions detailed in the prospectus for distribution and marketing in accordance with the applicable regulations. For full and accurate information on the Fund and its Sub-Funds (including the investment policies, strategies, related risks, costs and fees etc.), please refer to the Fund documents mentioned hereafter. Potential investors should examine whether the risks associated with investing in the Sub-Funds are appropriate to their situation and should also ensure that they fully understand the structure of the Sub-Funds and the risk associated with the investment. In case of doubt, it is recommended to consult a financial advisor in order to determine if the investment in the Sub-Funds is appropriate. The value of the shares and the profit from an investment in the Fund could go down or up, depending on the market conditions. The Sub-Funds do not offer any guarantee of return. Furthermore, past performance is not indicative of future results. The returns presented do not hold in consideration of any fees and costs incurred in subscribing and redeeming the shares. It is not addressed to any “U.S. Person” as defined in the Securities Act of 1933 and the prospectus of the Company (the "Prospectus"). The Prospectus, the KID and further documents and forms related to the Sub-Funds are not available to investors in certain countries in which the Fund is not registered and not offered for distribution and marketing purposes.
Before making any investment decision, please read the KID (in local language) and the Prospectus (available in English and the respective local language with the English version representing the legally binding one) and the articles of incorporation of the Fund (in English language), which are available at and can be obtained as hard copy free of charge by request of the investor, together with the latest annual reports and half annual reports at the registered offices of the Management Company (as defined below) and at the distributors’ premises. A summary of the information on investor rights as well as the instruments of collective redress can be found in English at: This marketing communication is published by Structured Invest S.A., the Fund’s management company. Structured Invest S.A. (the “Management Company”) was incorporated under the name Structured Invest on 16 November 2005 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as a public limited company ("société anonyme”) for an indefinite period and is registered with the Luxembourg commercial and company register, Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés, under no. B 112.174. The Management Company has its registered office at 8-10 rue Jean Monnet, L 2180 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and it is part of UniCredit Group. The Management Company may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of its collective investment undertakings in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC.
In Greece, onemarkets Fund is distributed exclusively via Alpha Bank. To learn more about the wide range of investment solutions it offers and discuss which one is more suitable for you, you may contact an Alpha Bank representative. If you don’t bank with Alpha Bank, you need to book an appointment in 4 simple steps:
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Go to myAlpha Rendez-vous and at the Welcome screen, choose “Individual”. Then, fill in your tax number, mobile phone number and email address. To proceed, fill in the one-time passcode (OTP) sent to your mobile. |
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From the menu on the left, choose the appointment category “Investments / Pension plans / Term deposits”. From the menu on the right, choose “Mutual funds” as the reason for the appointment. |
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Choose whether you wish to book an appointment at one of our branches, through video call or over the phone. |
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Check the details and confirm the appointment. You will then receive a confirmation email with all the appointment details. |
If you already bank with Alpha Bank, you may contact your private banker directly.
Notice: UCITS do not have a guaranteed return, and previous performance does not guarantee future return.
Distribution in Greece exclusively via Alpha Bank
Talk to your advisor or advisory team at Alpha Bank.
Alpha Bank was founded in 1879 by J.F. Costopoulos and has been a reference point for the Greek banking system ever since. Currently, the Alpha Bank Group is one of the leading groups of the financial sector in Greece. It offers a wide range of high-quality financial products and services in the domestic and international market and has one of the highest capital adequacy ratios in Europe. Recently, UniCredit bought a 9% stake of Alpha Bank’s shares owned by Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, making Alpha Bank the first fully private bank of Greece after 17 years.
To access the product information and services provided on our website please read and accept the following disclaimer and the terms of use:
Disclaimer more...This website is addressed to residents (non-professional users) of Greece only. A non-professional user is an individual who views or uses the information in a personal capacity for his/her own personal investment activities, and not as a principal, officer, partner, employee, contractor or agent of any business, or on behalf of any other individual or business. In other jurisdictions the furnishing of any such information may be restricted by law. The information on this site is not intended for persons or entities resident, located or registered in jurisdictions that restrict the distribution of such material. Consequently, the information on this site does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of an offer or invitation to acquire or sell any securities to any person in any jurisdiction:
In particular, the information on this website is not intended to and does not constitute an offer or invitation to acquire or sell securities to persons in the United Kingdom. Accordingly, any offer from any such person will not be accepted.
Anyone accessing this site from a jurisdiction in which any such restrictions apply should inform themselves about, and observe, such restrictions.
The securities referred to on this website have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States except pursuant to any exemption from, or within the framework of a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act.
Therefore, the securities listed in the following information may not be sold to U.S. nationals or otherwise be transferred to the United States unless the relevant transaction is not subject to registration requirements under U.S. law.
Quotes and market data of exchange Bats (Bats Trading Limited) is not intended and my not be used by persons or entities for commercial investment activities or acting as a principal, officer, partner, employee, contractor or agent of any business, or on behalf of any other individual or business.
UniCredit Bank AG shall not be liable for any information contained in or activities conducted through the websites of any other companies which are hyperlinked to the website of UniCredit Bank GmbH.
For complete information on the function, structure and risks and opportunities of the security, potential investors should read the Prospectus, which contains the Base Prospects, Supplements and Final Terms, carefully before making any investment decision.
The approval of the prospectus is not to be understood as a recommendation to purchase these securities of UniCredit Bank GmbH. Only the Base Prospectus including any supplements and Final Terms shall prevail. These documents may be obtained from UniCredit Bank GmbH, Department MCC, Arabellastr. 12, 81925 Munich, Germany or may be downloaded here.